What Makes Consumers Trust Automotive Electronic Commerce?

Ben Ridsdale

Bournemouth University alumni.

Fiona Cownie

Bournemouth University


This study explores the antecedents of consumers’ trust within automotive e-commerce. Only a handful of automotive brands currently operate e-commerce platforms; more are likely to join given the success of e-commerce in other retail sectors. Trust is essential for success. The study examines literature predominantly from the relationship marketing paradigm, whilst also drawing from information technology studies. A conceptual framework developed from the literature is used to guide data collection and analysis. Qualitative semi-structured interviews with prospective new-car buyers are conducted using a nonprobability, purposive sampling approach.Analysis of the findings supports the cognitive antecedents within the conceptual framework. Transparency and website intuitiveness are added to the revised conceptual framework. Furthermore, whilst the literature suggests the presence of affective antecedents of trust in all marketing relationships (Swan et al. 1999; Sekhon et al. 2014), the findings contradict this and reveal a lack of evidence for affective antecedents in this context.

Author Biographies

Ben Ridsdale, Bournemouth University alumni.

Ben Ridsdale studied BA Marketing Communications at Bournemouth University. He graduated with a first class degree and is now working in the automotive industry.

Fiona Cownie, Bournemouth University

 Dr Fiona Cownie led on the student experience within the Media School, Bournemouth University for four years.  Her research and teaching interests lie within the areas of relationship marketing and word-of-mouth communication.


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