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Vol. 3 No. 3 (2015)

Russian Politics or Russian Energy Industry Lobbying: European Union Perspectives. A tale of gas and politics

  • Eduard Tsvetanov
December 3, 2015


In the current study, a prediction that Russian energy industry lobbying and Russian international politics are related was tested. This prediction was derived from impressions that recently professional communications specialists and policymaking experts tend to use the Russian state and representatives from its energy industry as interchangeable. This drew the researcher’s attention to the idea that lobbying in this specific context might be undergoing significant changes that, if documented, can contribute to theoretical notions of it, enriching the field with new perspectives from other scholarly disciplines. Compared to other similar studies related to this area, findings from this research indicated that there is a tendency for lobbying to evolve under the influence of a different political economic narrative. This suggests that lobbying can take significantly different forms in different socio-political environments, thus requiring more theoretical flexibility in investigating lobbying in relation to democracy, political economy and areas such as international politics.


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